Rockin’ Morocco Dickinsonian Column

As most of you know my life back at Dickinson involves a great deal of time spent slaving away at my campus newspaper, The Dickinsonian. Did I leave that behind when I came to Morocco? To a degree. . . I’ve decided to be an abroad contributor and write a column ‘Rockin’ Morocco’ biweekly (ha, yes a column involves much less work, aggravation, and fun than editing). My first column was published this week and can be accessed here. For those of you who read my first blog post some of it may seem similar. . . that’s because I used some of the same material to get the column going. Anyway, check it out, here’s an excerpt:

I remember freaking out when I saw streams of ants crawling in my kitchen last year in Stuart. I exclaimed to my friend how gross it was that an ant colony was thriving in our on campus kitchen—he just laughed at me and said, “Clearly you’ve never been to a third world country before.” He was right, I definitely had not.

When I decided to ship out for a year to Rabat, the capital city of Morocco, I knew I was signing up for adventure. While I was expecting a life full of Turkish (squat toilets), no silverware or washing machines and riding on camels through the desert, an entire ant population in my room was not something I had really thought of. . .

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